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Saturday 21 May 2011

My first exam for SPM format.

Just when  i thought that exam couldn't get any harder, it did. Our first term exam was very hard for me to do.. especially the subject Bahasa Malaysia which was the killer subject for me. The question asked for more than 350 words!! and guess what.. I have a new killer subject, its the add math. OMG! The questions was so freaking hard.  I'm surely going to fail it on this exam. o()o The weird thing is that i found physics, biology and chemistry is quite easier for me to do it rather than bahasa malaysia and history. ;p and I don't know why i actually had fun answering those three papers.. Maybe it's because I love science.. :\ but not as much asi love playing a piano~~ ;D even though i don't know how to play it.. but I promise to my self that I will learn piano after I sit my SPM exam. and I WILL never broke this promise.  Anyway, even thought that the SPM format is hard for me and gave me a shock, I have to get used to it and try my best to pass it with flying colours~( not sure if I can do it). xD  

Monday 9 May 2011


          It is 1.00 a.m in the morning and I still couldn't sleep and I think it is because of the sleeping hours that I had this evening. Well, today me and my family went to Kudat to sent my mom on a course for something. When I heard that we're going there, my mind crazy not because it was going to be exciting, it was because I know that I'm going to sleep in the car for the whole trip. Which I did, just after we passed through Taun Gusi. xD and the trip was horrible at first cuz the road was very rough and the car was going up and down like a mad kangaroo or something like that and yeah, my head surely did slammed a lot of times at the window and it is still hurting me now. o()o After arriving at Kudat, my mother checked into the resort that she was going to stay at for 3 days and 2 nights and then we went straight to KFC to have lunch, all of us was starving at that time. The funny thing that I remembered at the KFC was the cashier, the cashier was a young man and he was very friendly to all the customers. So, I decided to look at his name after making my order, don't ask me why I did it. I was shocked when I discovered the young man's name, his name was very suitable with his attitude which was " Frindly ". 

          After having lunch, we went to The Tip of Borneo. It was one of my favorite place because I never get tired with the view there. It was so beautiful and I really really REALLY wished that I have a camera, so that i could take pictures of that extraordinary place. I was sitting at a nearby bench where i could sit down, relax and enjoy the view when all of a sudden a tourist come and sit beside me and she was a woman.  Then that tourist started talking with me, I was very shy at first but after a while the shyness blown away by the wind. She was talking about places that she went with her husband here at Malaysia and I was talking about some interesting places  that I went here at Sabah. Then my mom went near me and joined the conversation. After a few minutes her husband come and also joined us. Both the tourists have the same job as my mom and dad which was being a teacher. They were teaching students that was studying in Australia and at the end of the conversation we introduced ourselves. Their name was Julie and Steward. Julie is 53 years old, meanwhile, her husband, Steward is 58. We had a lot of fun there at The Tip of Borneo and it was kinda sad when it was time for me and my family to go home. Despite of the injured head and rough roads, the sweet memories that I gained from this trip made it better.◕‿‿◕

Thursday 5 May 2011


Today, was a fucking bad day for me. I just knew a horrible news that really broke my heart. First, the news only appeared in my dream, it was a nightmare for me and I was hoping that it wouldn't  be a reality but then it HAPPENED!! TODAY, MY NIGHTMARE HAS BECOME A REALITY!! I've felt a lot of pain over my life but this pain, THIS PARTICULAR PAIN it is very unbearable for me to handle it. Hope that I'll be okay soon because right now I'M GOING MAD!!