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Monday 29 August 2011

We joined a video-making contest..

Recently, I've been very busy with this activity. At first, me and my friends was just planning to make a random video to put on youtube but when I heard there was a video-making contest, immediately I told my friends to join it because the prize was valuable which is cash worth of RM 500. Besides, right now I'm running out of money. :P Every evening after school time all of us would meet at school to start shooting for the video. Right after we finished shooting, some of us was very tired because there are some part that really need a lot of energy. Furthermore, it was fasting month so the energy was used up so fast. Dx But, it is a sacrifice that we have to do to make it done and we're just hoping the sacrifices we've done is worth doing. I'm going to submit the video soon. Right now, I'm just waiting for our editor to finish editing and send the video to me. Here is the preview of that video. (kinda.... it is just a picture) xD

If you wanna know more about the video, click here. Okay, that's all for this moment. ^_^ I'll post the video here when it's done and submitted. Thanks for reading~~

Sunday 28 August 2011


 A day where it is filled with good memories. Why you ask? Cuz this is the day where a reunion was held which  I got to meet most of my greatest classmates (3Jujur) ever. ^_^ But behind these good memories there still some bad memories like I didn't finished my homework that day and didn't get to see a person that I really wanted to meet. :P The reunion was actually a break fasting day with 3 Jujur 2010 students. Since it was a reunion, we all met at our class teacher monitor, Teacher Nita. 

I really love this class... Wish I could go back in time and be with them again. ^_^ owh ya, and a big special thank you to Teacher Nita for letting us use her house to host the reunion. Again, LOVE YOU 3 Jujur CLASSMATES~ 

 Thank you teacher... x)

Monday 1 August 2011

Piano~ ▶Music♩♪♫♬

Piano, a music instrument that I really want to play badly. Even though that some people say piano is one of the hardest music instrument to play and it is impossible for me to learn it cuz it is too late to learn it already, I won't be disturbed by that. Actually, what it give to me is a morale booster cuz once if I able to play the piano, it is just showing to them that nothing is impossible if you try your hardest and never to give up. I fell in love with the piano when my uncle played a beautiful piece at his daughter's birthday. The sound of that piano was just so beautiful and calming made me fell in love with it. Anyways, if I can play the piano already, the first song that I want to play is this :

Its a good song isn't it. I'm not sure if it is a song for a beginner though but I will try to play it soon, once i know how to play a piano though. :P Well, right now all that I can do is just hope I get the chance to learn it. Wish me luck~~ o(▽≦)o