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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Lalalalala..... Nothing else to do at home.

Recently, I've been doing a lot random stuff lately at home cuz right now I have all the time in this world.. x) but the usual activity that I do is learning piano, reading books and some exercise. Owh, I'm seeing a lot of anime also.. Right now, my interest to Japanese culture have grown (again). :P So, I decided to learn their culture and language. How I wish I have a Japanese dictionary, I could finish it before school start again next year. As for the piano lessons, it's harder than I first thought it'll be but I won't give up learning them.. ^_^

Sunday 30 October 2011

Exam week OVER!!

Finally, after 3 cruel n sleepless night week is over. xD Now I can learn piano just as I planned~ =3 can't wait for it.. I'm excited, overjoyed the same time kinda sad cuz soon school will end. That means I won't be seeing  my friends for a long time. I will feel lonely since I'm not that close to my family except my big n lil' bro. Well, anyway there is tons of stuff me n my friends are planning to do, like making videos. Speaking of videos, we're planning to make bunch of them (just for fun of course) and I'll make a blog for it too. ^_^ Owh ya, it feels good to be blogging back~!! x)

Monday 29 August 2011

We joined a video-making contest..

Recently, I've been very busy with this activity. At first, me and my friends was just planning to make a random video to put on youtube but when I heard there was a video-making contest, immediately I told my friends to join it because the prize was valuable which is cash worth of RM 500. Besides, right now I'm running out of money. :P Every evening after school time all of us would meet at school to start shooting for the video. Right after we finished shooting, some of us was very tired because there are some part that really need a lot of energy. Furthermore, it was fasting month so the energy was used up so fast. Dx But, it is a sacrifice that we have to do to make it done and we're just hoping the sacrifices we've done is worth doing. I'm going to submit the video soon. Right now, I'm just waiting for our editor to finish editing and send the video to me. Here is the preview of that video. (kinda.... it is just a picture) xD

If you wanna know more about the video, click here. Okay, that's all for this moment. ^_^ I'll post the video here when it's done and submitted. Thanks for reading~~

Sunday 28 August 2011


 A day where it is filled with good memories. Why you ask? Cuz this is the day where a reunion was held which  I got to meet most of my greatest classmates (3Jujur) ever. ^_^ But behind these good memories there still some bad memories like I didn't finished my homework that day and didn't get to see a person that I really wanted to meet. :P The reunion was actually a break fasting day with 3 Jujur 2010 students. Since it was a reunion, we all met at our class teacher monitor, Teacher Nita. 

I really love this class... Wish I could go back in time and be with them again. ^_^ owh ya, and a big special thank you to Teacher Nita for letting us use her house to host the reunion. Again, LOVE YOU 3 Jujur CLASSMATES~ 

 Thank you teacher... x)

Monday 1 August 2011

Piano~ ▶Music♩♪♫♬

Piano, a music instrument that I really want to play badly. Even though that some people say piano is one of the hardest music instrument to play and it is impossible for me to learn it cuz it is too late to learn it already, I won't be disturbed by that. Actually, what it give to me is a morale booster cuz once if I able to play the piano, it is just showing to them that nothing is impossible if you try your hardest and never to give up. I fell in love with the piano when my uncle played a beautiful piece at his daughter's birthday. The sound of that piano was just so beautiful and calming made me fell in love with it. Anyways, if I can play the piano already, the first song that I want to play is this :

Its a good song isn't it. I'm not sure if it is a song for a beginner though but I will try to play it soon, once i know how to play a piano though. :P Well, right now all that I can do is just hope I get the chance to learn it. Wish me luck~~ o(▽≦)o 

Saturday 30 July 2011

Life as Students~ ^_^

Being a student is actually not that boring.. Especially when your a high school student. For me, being a high school student is actually the most enjoyable chapter in life cuz its where you got to spend time with all that great friends of yours. Just like me and my friends, we spend our time a lot together at school either at morning nor evening. 

Still I there are something that I hate at school. For instance, learning history, every history class I'll fall asleep (minimum 10 minutes). ;P I don't know why but I'm just not that interested at the subject. I'll try my best to improve at it though. Well, that's all that I have to say at this moment. 

Monday 18 July 2011

New hairstyle? :\

Yesterday was the day where I just had my haircut. When it was on the way to the saloon, I immediately thought of trying a new hairstyle. So, I just let them cut my hair and the result was not very good. Here's a picture of it~

From my opinion, I look very weird with this hairstyle and I like the old one better.

This is my old hairstyle.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Randomness~~ ◕‿◕

Yesterday was the day where I trained myself for today's "1 Murid, 1 Sukan" which was a marathon for about 1.5km only... So, after jogging for half an hour around Taman Nikmat I did a few push-up and pull-up. Still can't beat my old personal record of 120 for push-up and 15 pull-ups.. =.=" but there was this one new thing that I bought from a shop at Kota Belud, it was a skipping rope. :P I bought the skipping rope a few days ago and the longest streak that I've got was 228... but yesterday was very shocking!! when I played the skipping rope like I usually do everyday, I felt something strange. My jumping time was longer than usual. I was jumping like crazy and when I looked at the skipping rope counter.. I found this!!

real one I'm not lying.. 

Even though I broke my personal skipping rope record, I wasn't satisfied yet cuz my big bro record was 327. I start jumping again and my legs was starting to hurt already right after the first 50 jumps but I just continued jumping with a little bit motivation from myself. After finished jumping, looked at the counter and I broke my big bro's record!!!

take that boboy~!!o(▽≦)o 

I was so happy~ The bad thing was at night my leg muscle was really in pain and I know that I'm surely does gonna be in trouble for tomorrow's run.. :( 

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Haizz.. The specific problem that disturbed me on my exam.. =.="

GREAT!! Just when I thought that this problem would not come back.. It just came haunting me again. -__- This problem always will make my head spin.. I have two girls that are inside my head, one of them is not studying at the same school as me and the other one is at the same school as me. The thing is I have a crush on the girl at the other school and I happens to also like the girl at my school.. If i chose the girl not from my school, it is hard to talk with her cuz we've been not seeing each other for six month ( I guess) now.. :\ but it is no different to the girl at my school, only more torturing... I said that cuz I see her everyday at school and still couldn't even speak to her..o()o It's very sad to be in a position like me.. Right now, I'm just hoping that I'll make a right and wise decision. Then, all this problem will be solved. ◕‿‿◕ 

Tuesday 28 June 2011

On June 25th, me and my buddy liew went to Kota Kinabalu to see the Jom Heboh and where the cyberkids activities were going to be held on the next day. But, before going to Jom Heboh we went to 1 Borneo to have some fun first. ◕‿‿◕ So, what we did was play some bowling.~~ ^_^ We arrived here approximately at 10 a.m in the morning. 

 After we played bowling, I was hungry and I decided to go have lunch. On the way to have lunch, we saw a Miss Sabah contest I think.. This are some pictures of it~ 

We didn't stay long though cuz I was starving already.. =.=" So, we went to have lunch and planned to go shopping afterwards.. When we were having lunch I looked at the time and it was 3.00 p.m already.. :O IT'S LATE ALREADY!! Then after lunch we canceled the shopping plan and told my mom to send us to Jom Heboh... A few minutes after driving, the traffic was jammed but what do you expect when something big is happening right.. :D all that I have to do was be patient until we get there and just go straight to find the Maxis booth. After arriving there, we split with my mom and go find that place. 

                                           Then we found it~~ yayy.. :P 

Afterwards, we went to see the Jom Heboh and it was nothing much.. It is like a "Tamu Besar"..-___-zzz  It took us half an hour to walk around the Jom Heboh. So, after we're finished walking it was getting darker already and getting very tired.. We searched for a place to rest and found this place.. :\

After resting, my mom called me to go home.. FINALLY~~ It is time to get some rest.. but what I didn't know was a surprise was waiting for us.. When walking home we heard a concert and went there.. To my surprise it was Akim & Tomok singing at the Maxis stage.. 

So, we stayed there for a while then go home to have some rest.. When I was resting, myself was wondering what kind of adventure will tomorrow have for me.. ◕‿◕

Saturday 21 May 2011

My first exam for SPM format.

Just when  i thought that exam couldn't get any harder, it did. Our first term exam was very hard for me to do.. especially the subject Bahasa Malaysia which was the killer subject for me. The question asked for more than 350 words!! and guess what.. I have a new killer subject, its the add math. OMG! The questions was so freaking hard.  I'm surely going to fail it on this exam. o()o The weird thing is that i found physics, biology and chemistry is quite easier for me to do it rather than bahasa malaysia and history. ;p and I don't know why i actually had fun answering those three papers.. Maybe it's because I love science.. :\ but not as much asi love playing a piano~~ ;D even though i don't know how to play it.. but I promise to my self that I will learn piano after I sit my SPM exam. and I WILL never broke this promise.  Anyway, even thought that the SPM format is hard for me and gave me a shock, I have to get used to it and try my best to pass it with flying colours~( not sure if I can do it). xD  

Monday 9 May 2011


          It is 1.00 a.m in the morning and I still couldn't sleep and I think it is because of the sleeping hours that I had this evening. Well, today me and my family went to Kudat to sent my mom on a course for something. When I heard that we're going there, my mind crazy not because it was going to be exciting, it was because I know that I'm going to sleep in the car for the whole trip. Which I did, just after we passed through Taun Gusi. xD and the trip was horrible at first cuz the road was very rough and the car was going up and down like a mad kangaroo or something like that and yeah, my head surely did slammed a lot of times at the window and it is still hurting me now. o()o After arriving at Kudat, my mother checked into the resort that she was going to stay at for 3 days and 2 nights and then we went straight to KFC to have lunch, all of us was starving at that time. The funny thing that I remembered at the KFC was the cashier, the cashier was a young man and he was very friendly to all the customers. So, I decided to look at his name after making my order, don't ask me why I did it. I was shocked when I discovered the young man's name, his name was very suitable with his attitude which was " Frindly ". 

          After having lunch, we went to The Tip of Borneo. It was one of my favorite place because I never get tired with the view there. It was so beautiful and I really really REALLY wished that I have a camera, so that i could take pictures of that extraordinary place. I was sitting at a nearby bench where i could sit down, relax and enjoy the view when all of a sudden a tourist come and sit beside me and she was a woman.  Then that tourist started talking with me, I was very shy at first but after a while the shyness blown away by the wind. She was talking about places that she went with her husband here at Malaysia and I was talking about some interesting places  that I went here at Sabah. Then my mom went near me and joined the conversation. After a few minutes her husband come and also joined us. Both the tourists have the same job as my mom and dad which was being a teacher. They were teaching students that was studying in Australia and at the end of the conversation we introduced ourselves. Their name was Julie and Steward. Julie is 53 years old, meanwhile, her husband, Steward is 58. We had a lot of fun there at The Tip of Borneo and it was kinda sad when it was time for me and my family to go home. Despite of the injured head and rough roads, the sweet memories that I gained from this trip made it better.◕‿‿◕

Thursday 5 May 2011


Today, was a fucking bad day for me. I just knew a horrible news that really broke my heart. First, the news only appeared in my dream, it was a nightmare for me and I was hoping that it wouldn't  be a reality but then it HAPPENED!! TODAY, MY NIGHTMARE HAS BECOME A REALITY!! I've felt a lot of pain over my life but this pain, THIS PARTICULAR PAIN it is very unbearable for me to handle it. Hope that I'll be okay soon because right now I'M GOING MAD!!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

WA!!!!! HELP ME!!

OMG!! This few weeks my daily table are being so jammed packed.. Just a few days ago, I was doing some practice for the debate PBU level. and after the debate competition has finally done, I thought that now I can finally focus for the upcoming exam week. Well, "lucky" me because I was WRONG!! I still have the DRAMA competition! o()o  

Monday 25 April 2011

My New Blog~~ ;p

안녕하세요 ~ ~ heeheh.. I forgot what my old blogger account password was, so i decided to make a new one. xD well, on my new blog, surely will gonna post something new and exciting.. (hopefully). and this is my first post on this blog... yayyy~~ 
>.< on this blog I'm going to post something about my life and other random stuff. :D